Cori sitting on a stoop


From where it all started to where I am now

When I was in eighth grade, I decided I wanted to be an editor. While I loved reading and my English classes, I never considered myself a writer. One day, I read the acknowledgments at the back of the book I had just finished and realized there was another possible path: editing. I could study English, read as much as I wanted, and help someone become a published author all at the same time. From that day on, I was hooked.

In my spare time, you can find me drinking a vanilla latte at your local coffee shop or browsing a second-hand store. I am always picking up a new crafting hobby; my latest is card making. While I’ll read and watch pretty much everything, I’m a sucker for a cheesy romance.

Currently, I’m focused on finishing my degree and getting my foot in the world of publishing. My dream job would be working in editorial for a major publishing house, living in New York or Boston. After my graduation in May, I’ll be traveling to Europe with my mother for my first trip abroad, fulfilling a lifelong dream of mine.

Cori sitting near a bookshelf
Cori sitting in the window of a cafe